Nature Cameras (LIVE)

Osprey Nest Live Camera



Did you know that there are presently three pair of osprey nesting on pole structures in the vicinity of Lake Lowell.  Recently, the Friends were able to coordinate the installation of a new osprey Wi-Fi camera on the nesting pole near the refuge visitor center.

The camera recorded livestream osprey nesting activities during the 2021 nesting season.  The resident pair raised two chicks in 2021.

They hatched three chicks in 2022, but one died after being entangled in bailing twin!!  The two remaining chicks fledged successfully.

You can now go to this link: to view the osprey family.  The ospreys will be back with us in April.

More About The Osprey
The osprey (Pandion haliaetus)—also called fish eagle, sea hawk, river hawk, and fish hawk—is a diurnal, fish-eating bird of prey with a cosmopolitan range. It is a medium raptor, reaching more than 60 cm (24 in) in length and 180 cm (71 in) across the wings. It is brown on the upper parts and predominantly greyish on the head and underparts.

The osprey tolerates a wide variety of habitats, nesting in any location near a body of water providing an adequate food supply. It is found on all continents except Antarctica, although in South America it occurs only as a non-breeding migrant.

As its other common names suggest, the osprey’s diet consists almost exclusively of fish. It possesses specialized physical characteristics and exhibits unique behavior to assist in hunting and catching prey. As a result of these unique characteristics, it has been given its own taxonomic genus, Pandion and family, Pandionidae. Four subspecies are usually recognized, one of which has recently been given full species status (see below). Despite its propensity to nest near water, the osprey is not classed as a sea eagle.

Source, Wikipedia –

The Osprey Cam at Deer Flat Wildlife Refuge is made possible by
Friends of Deer Flat Wildlife Refuge and Deer Flat National Wildlife Refuge.

Chronolog Photography

Did you know we have two cameras set up on different points of the refuge that allow you to see how that spot has changed and who has come to visit over the years? We invite you to check it out here!